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Biden Super PAC Amends Disclosures After Trying to Hide Donors

From the Washington Fee Beacon by Andrew Kerr:

President Joe Biden’s super PAC quietly altered its tax filings just three days after the Washington Free Beacon reported the group appeared to engage in an illegal scheme to hide its donors from the public.


Future Forward originally disclosed that it used its affiliated dark money nonprofit in 2021 to conceal some of the donors behind its $400 million windfall, a process that has resulted in convictions for other political activists, the Free Beacon reported on Aug. 14. The group’s financial disclosures were also rife with other glaring discrepancies, the Free Beacon reported, such as a $12 million gap in its reports to the IRS and Federal Election Commission.


Though Future Forward, which is run by former Obama campaign officials, refused to comment publicly about the discrepancies, it moved swiftly behind the scenes to clean up its act. On Aug. 17, its dark money affiliate, Future Forward USA Action, filed an amended 2021 tax return reversing its claims that it served as a pass-through to conceal the super PAC’s donors and accounting for the $12 million discrepancy.

Also from the story:

The National Legal and Policy Center watchdog group filed a complaint with the FEC in August alleging Future Forward’s apparent failure to account for the $12 million from its dark money affiliate in its original disclosure was an “egregious violation of FEC laws.”




Tags: Future Forward PAC, Joe Biden