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Oreo Maker’s Partnership With Extremists Spotlighted in SEC Filing

Today, in support of a shareholder proposal that will be heard on May 18 at the annual meeting for Chicago-based Mondelez International, NLPC filed a proxy memo with the Securities and Exchange Commission calling upon fellow investors to support our call for the company to scrutinize its partnerships with controversial organizations that could harm its reputation and bottom line.

Mondelez is the parent company of Nabisco, which is the manufacturer of several popular brands including Oreo. In February NLPC released a 30-second video that called attention to the iconic cookie brand’s deeply problematic alliance with gender ideology activist group PFLAG.

The shareholder proposal to be considered next month doesn’t only address Mondelez’s partnership with PFLAG — it also references the company’s troubling associations with organizations such as Black Lives Matter, World Economic Forum, Human Rights Campaign, climate alarmist groups, and many others. Citing recent backlashes against other inappropriate corporate involvement with divisive and controversial social issues — such as Bud Light, Target, and Disney — NLPC’s proposal argues that Mondelez is playing with fire in linking its most valuable brand with PFLAG. From the proposal text:

Boycotts, silent or boisterous, can arise without warning. Once they gain momentum, the damage can be difficult to contain. InBev (parent of Bud Light), Target and Disney are learning the hard way. Thus, it is critical the Board of Mondelez International focus on its own vulnerabilities before they become a liability.

NLPC further points out in its SEC filing:

PFLAG’s political efforts often infringe upon the rights of other parents and their children, without their knowledge. One example is the group’s push to include reading material with mature themes – many of which contain sexually explicit text and images – in places like school libraries, where children can easily access them. PFLAG also lobbies against laws in various states that seek to protect children from indoctrination efforts and so-called “gender affirming” medical treatments before they are mature enough to make such decisions, and also laws that protect kids from “transition care” without their parents’ consent.

In conjunction with the release of the video, NLPC also set up a special web page with links to further source material, that outlines in detail the disturbing path Mondelez has taken with Oreo. Among the greatest concerns are the degree that Oreo has consigned its social media accounts to the promotion and partnership with PFLAG — you can view a multitude of those posts on X (formerly Twitter) here.




Tags: gender ideology, LGBT, Mondelez, Oreo, PFLAG, shareholder activism