Attorney General Asked to Appoint Special Counsel for Hunter Biden

Republican Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado used his time during a Thursday House Judiciary Committee hearing with Attorney General Merrick Garland to point out the outrageous, exorbitant asking prices for Hunter Biden‘s artwork in light of what the classic painters like Monet and Degas fetch.

Mediaite quoted Buck’s line of questioning in a report about his exchange with Garland:

It turns out that in 2019 Hunter Biden couldn’t find gallery to list his art. And what happened in 2020 that changed all that his dad became president of the United States.


So now a single piece of art that Hunter Biden sells for more than the average American home.


This art arrangement is so suspicious that the Obama administration ethics czar, Walter Shaub, tweeted on July 10th of this year, “Hunter Biden should cancel this art sale because he knows the prices are based on his dad’s job. Shame on POTUS if he doesn’t ask Hunter to stop.”

Buck then asked Garland if he would appoint a special counsel for Hunter Biden, who is already being investigated by the FBI for tax fraud. The attorney general did not give an answer.

Buck also had a sharp retort for Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell of California, who mocked the Colorado congressman’s line of questioning:



Tags: Hunter Biden, Justice Department, Merrick Garland