NLPC on TV: Supreme Court Likely to Overturn Colorado Decision Kicking Trump Off Ballot

From NTD TV:

Following an unprecedented decision from Colorado’s Supreme Court, former President Donald Trump is currently not a presidential candidate in Colorado. The Trump campaign has said the former president will appeal the decision to the Supreme Court.

NTD spoke to Paul Kamenar, lead counsel at the National Legal and Policy Center, to find out his opinion on whether President Trump will be able to get his name reinstated. Click here to watch the interview.

Does this ruling apply to both the primary ballot and the general election ballot? Does he expect the Supreme Court to affirm or reject the Colorado decision?

“I expect it [the Colorado decision] to be overturned” in the Supreme Court, Mr. Kamenar said. “We have some 30 states who are considering this very same provision of the Constitution, and I think about 7 of them already upheld that Trump will be on the ballot.”

“I think the Supreme Court will uphold President Trump’s right to be on that ballot, and the right of the American People to choose whether to have him as their next president or not.”


