A new report by the Network Contagion Research Institute finds that there is a correlation between foreign contributions to American colleges and left-wing activity on campus, including the present outburst of antisemitism. Charlie Gasparino comments in his New York Post column:
Does that funding lead to weaponizing the academic experience to produce antisemitic monsters?
Paul Kamenar, an attorney for the National Legal and Policy Center, lays out a case that it does.
“The money comes into the schools funding professors and their programs that are left-wing as hell,” he tells me. “Schools get various grants to teach students from a leftist perspective.”
Following the money trail should turn up some interesting results.
Back in 2020, Kamenar’s organization did an amazing deep dive into the funding of a think-tank known as the Penn Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania.
A “think tank” named after Sleepy Joe Biden is almost comical; what isn’t funny is UPenn’s curious funding source after the center was created: Communist China, the same country that quashes dissent of all kinds, engages in religious persecution and has imperialistic ambitions.
Maybe, but Kamenar says his group’s investigation found some disturbing coincidences.
As millions of dollars of Chinese money flowed to UPenn, Penn Biden began inviting Chinese government officials as speakers to its conferences.
One conference during the early days of COVID glossed over China’s role in the spread and likely creation of the deadly virus that led to a worldwide pandemic, instead bizarrely focusing on Hungary’s allegedly xenophobic reaction to it by restricting Chinese nationals from coming into the country.
UPenn has been ground zero for controversy about on-campus antisemitism, with calls by major donors for the resignation of UPenn President Elizabeth Magill (in photo). UPenn has still not disclosed the sources of tens of millions donated from sources in China, even though it is required to do so. NLPC will continue to demand this information.
Click here to read Gasparino’s entire column.
Click here for the report by the Network Contagion Research Institute.