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Another IRS Complaint Filed Against Alianza Americas

NLPC today filed a Complaint with the Internal Revenue Service asking for an investigation of the open borders group Alianza Americas, which lobbied members of Congress for the expansion of Temporary Protected status, a legal designation that allows illegal immigrants to stay in the United States if their home countries are deemed too dangerous.

Based in Chicago, Alianza is funded by George Soros-related foundations. The group’s biggest claim to fame is a lawsuit against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis following the transport of illegal aliens to Martha’s Vineyard.

On October 26, 2022, NLPC filed a similar Complaint against Alianza for lobbying conducted in 2019 and 2020. The new Complaint alleges that the group continued to lobby in 2021. From the Washington Examiner:

“Alianza Americas appears to be a serial IRS violator by failing to disclose its lobbying activities for the last three years,” Paul Kamenar, the watchdog’s counsel who filed the complaint, said in a statement. “I won’t be surprised if they continue to flaunt the law in their 2022 IRS report later this year.”

Click here for the Washington Examiner story by Gabe Kaminsky.

Click here to read the Complaint.




Tags: Alianza Americas