Complaint Filed Against Rep. Omar on Husband’s Failed Wine and Pot Ventures

NLPC has filed a Complaint with the Office of Congressional Ethics against Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN). It alleges that she may have underreported the business assets of her spouse, Tim Mynett, on her Financial Disclosure Reports for the past three years.

The businesses themselves, involving wine and marijuana, failed. They have been the subject of lawsuits and controversy. The Minnesota Reformer first published details of Mynett’s business woes.

Click here for the Complaint filed by NLPC Counsel Paul Kamenar.

NLPC has filed previous Complaints against Omar for disclosure violations, as well as a 2019 Complaint to the Federal Election Commission alleging the use of campaign funds for personal use with respect to Mynett’s campaign consultant firm. Following the Complaint, Omar discontinued the use of Mynett’s company.



Tags: Ilhan Omar