FOX NEWS: NLPC, Allies Cleared to Continue Lawsuit Over Offshore Wind

Fred Lucas reported for Fox News on Monday that a federal judge will allow a lawsuit to protect North Atlantic right whales from offshore wind development, filed by NLPC, CFACT and The Heartland Institute, to continue. From the article:

U.S. District Judge Loren L. AliKhan of the District of Columbia, a Biden appointee, denied the plaintiff’s petition for a preliminary injunction to halt construction of the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project from going forward.


On Thursday, the plaintiffs withdrew a petition for an expedited appeal to the D.C. Circuit Court for a narrow decision on the injunction but will continue the case to stop the construction, one attorney said.


The plaintiffs sued the Biden administration and Dominion Energy to protect the North Atlantic right whale under the Endangered Species Act…


“We made a tactical decision that, timing-wise, it made sense to forego the appeal of Judge AliKhan’s order ruling that we did not show irreparable harm, although she did rule we had standing to sue, which is a high hurdle to meet,” Paul Kamenar, counsel for the National Legal and Policy Center, told Fox News Digital.

Read the full article at

NLPC produced a short video in March that explains its lawsuit, which you can watch below:




Tags: Biden administration, Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind, Dominion Energy, endangered species, whales