Paul Sperry of RealClearInvestigations has an eye-opening report about the close relationship between President Biden and his family, and Ukrainian-American businessman John Hynansky.
Both parties have benefitted. Biden has received substantial campaign contributions, his son Hunter private jet rides, and his brother Jim, a $900,000 loan bailout on a Florida house he could not afford.
Hynansky, who owns and operates 55 luxury car dealerships in Ukraine through a company called Winner Group, has received more than $20 million in loans from the taxpayer-funded U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC). He thanked the State Department for calling him two weeks in advance to warn of the Russian invasion. From the story:
Paul Kamenar, counsel to the National Legal and Policy Center, a Washington watchdog group. said that in dealing with Ukraine, Biden increasingly is drawing suspicion he may be putting his own political fortunes ahead of the national interest.
Kamenar suggested that a special inspector general may be needed to audit U.S. spending in Ukraine, similar to the one Congress created to monitor U.S. aid and reconstruction contracts in Afghanistan.
Click here to read the entire article on RealClearInvestigations.
In photo, John Hynansky, Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko and Winner management board head Petro Rondiak.