While some “experts” have said Hunter Biden‘s paintings are “actually good,” NLPC and other government transparency advocates see his new “career” as a means to generate more suspect income for the Biden family.
Kentucky Rep. James Comer, the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, is another skeptic.
Last week he and his fellow Republicans on the panel sent letters to the White House and to the National Archives and Records Administration, demanding records pertaining to the Bidens’ business activities in seeking to profit from access and proximity to President Joe Biden.
So the Congress members aren’t just interested in Hunter’s newfound art profession. From the Committee Republicans’ press release:
In the letters, the Republicans outlined several incidents of concern from President Biden’s current position and from his time as Vice President, including the most recent surge in Hunter Biden’s art sales; President Biden’s sister’s, Valerie Biden Owens, intent to publish a book detailing her time as “The Joe Biden Whisperer”; and President Biden’s brother, Frank Biden, using his relationship with the President in advertising for the law firm he advises.
The Biden family’s actions during the Obama-Biden Administration are similarly concerning and reveal a potential pattern of using the White House for profit. For example, in 2011 Frank Biden used the Biden name and connection to then-Vice President Biden to his advantage. In 2013, Hunter Biden flew on Air Force 2 with then-Vice President Biden to China as he worked on forming a Chinese private equity fund. And in 2016, then-Vice President Biden flew his son Hunter Biden and his business associate on Air Force 2 to Mexico where Hunter and his associate conducted business.
The members requested from the White House and National Archives all documents and communications regarding the international trips; all the family’s business interests and relationships; all family members’ advertising appearances and speaking engagements; and Hunter’s artwork.
The Oversight Republicans also want to know about “all policies and procedures the White House has to prevent the Biden family from profiting off the presidency.”
Comer made two appearances on cable news last week to call greater attention to the Bidens’ suspect activities to use the White House for personal gain.
“No sensible American would believe that Hunter Biden is first of all a desired pick to be on a board of a foreign national company, nor would they believe he is an artist who would command a half a million dollars for a piece of art,” Comer told Newsmax on Thursday. “This goes along with a pattern of conflicts of interest that we’ve seen with Hunter Biden and other members of the Biden family, and we’re asking questions.”