Rep. Ilhan Omar Raises More Questions About Her Financial Dealings

NLPC has reported extensively about Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar’s suspect handling of her finances, mainly in channeling huge sums of money in her campaign account to her political consultant — and now husband — Tim Mynett.

Now Andrew Kerr of The Daily Caller has uncovered a potentially significant omission from her recent financial disclosure reports, which are required from each Congress member every year.

He reports that Omar signed a deal in January 2019 worth up to $250,000 to write her memoir, which the House Ethics Committee approved, but she has disclosed no income from the sales of her well-received book.

Kerr reports:

Omar made no reference to her book or any royalties in her latest financial disclosure filed Friday which covers the 2020 calendar year.

Counsel for conservative watchdog group National Legal and Policy Center said Omar could be in violation of federal disclosure rules by omitting any reference to her book in her disclosures.

“It appears that she has violated the financial disclosure rules by not reporting the proceeds from her book deal, which she has to do because it’s considered income,” NLPC counsel Paul Kamenar told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“We’ll be looking into filing a complaint with the House Ethics Committee,” Kamenar added.

NLPC has also filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission for her likely violations of campaign finance laws.



Tags: House Ethics Committee, Ilhan Omar