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NLPC PROPOSAL: Detransitioner Calls Out Gender Ideology Harm at Visa Inc.

On Tuesday, National Legal and Policy Center presented a proposal at Visa Inc‘s annual shareholder meeting that would require the company to investigate its employee pay and benefits policies to determine how and where they are discriminatory — primarily against de-transitioners, who are individuals that attempt to switch from the sex they were born with, and then desire to return to their original bodily conditions. Most who have undergone chemical, medical or surgical treatments to alter their bodies, cannot then find care or insurance coverage to try to switch back.

Visa’s board of directors opposed our proposal, as explained on page 103 of the company’s proxy statement. NLPC’s response to the Visa board’s opposition statement was filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission earlier this month.

Claire Abernathy

Speaking at the meeting in support of the proposal for NLPC was Claire Abernathy, a 20-year-old woman who was the victim of transgender ideology and began a her journey of gender confusion at age 10, with tragic consequences as the result of influence and pressure from her medical providers. A transcript of Ms. Abernathy’s three-minute remarks, which you can also listen to here, follows:

Good morning.


I am Claire Abernathy, speaking in support of Proposal 4, titled “Gender-Based Compensation Gaps and Associated Risks,” sponsored by National Legal and Policy Center.


Visa pays for gender transition interventions, but not detransitioning care.


Therefore, the Company discriminates based on gender identity, under EEOC regulations.


As you can see in the text of the proposal, the types of gender transitioning treatments offered by Visa’s insurance plan to its employees and their minor dependents, are like something out of a horror movie – but instead they are actual chemical and surgical body alterations being done on real human beings.


Visa and its insurance company calls it “health care.”


I call it victimization, child abuse and destructive propaganda.


You see, I speak from personal experience.


I first learned about trans identifying in school, at age ten.


By age 12 therapists affirmed my feelings about my body and false identity, and made my parents feel like abusive bigots for not immediately affirming me.


The therapy was covered by my parents’ health insurance.


Alleged medical professionals put me on a menstrual suppression drug, and at 14 I was put on testosterone and underwent a double mastectomy.


It took only 8 months between getting referred for therapy and getting my breasts removed.


That is an ideological agenda in search of victims, in the name of medicine, and it’s wrong.


I have been permanently harmed and will never be able to live my life as a normal adult woman, all because of rash decisions driven by a radical medical agenda.


This is medical deception on the level of the Tuskegee experiments or the American eugenics movement, which was funded by the Rockefeller and Carnegie fortunes.


I have been victimized – only this time, instead of it being at the hands of oil and steel industrialists, today it is affirmed and funded by Visa and just about every other major American corporation.


I am now 20 years old, and have been detransitioning for three years.


Now that I want to restore or repair the damage that’s been done, those therapists and doctors I had have vanished – they already made their money off me and my parents’ insurance.


I have nowhere to turn now to find help or to be made whole again.


As with Visa and its employee coverage through CIGNA, there is no provision for “detransitioning coverage.”


But if you want a penectomy, or a vaginectomy, or a double mastectomy, you can get it paid for all day long if your parents work for Visa.


That’s discrimination, and it looks like a huge litigation risk if you ask me.

Please vote FOR Proposal 4.

Read NLPC’s shareholder proposal for the Visa Inc. annual meeting here.

Listen to Claire Abernathy’s three-minute remarks in support of the proposal here.

Read NLPC’s response, filed with the SEC, to Visa Inc.’s opposition to our shareholder proposal here.

Coverage of NLPC’s proposal and Claire Abernathy’s presentation by the Daily Caller can be viewed here.

NLPC presented similar proposals at Microsoft in December 2023, and at Disney, Johnson & Johnson, and PepsiCo last year.




Tags: detransitioners, gender ideology, LGBT, shareholder activism, transgender, Visa Inc.