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NLPC Calls for Removal of Al Gore from Apple’s Board

Writing for Fox Business today, Breck Dumas reported on National Legal and Policy Center’s efforts to persuade our fellow Apple shareholders to oppose the reelections of Al Gore and CEO Tim Cook to the company board of directors.

From the story:

Gore is Apple’s longest-serving director and was first elected to the board in 2003. The late Apple CEO Steve Jobs said in a statement at the time that “Al brings an incredible wealth of knowledge and wisdom to Apple from having helped run the largest organization in the world — the United States government — as a Congressman, Senator and our 45th Vice President.” Jobs added that the company was “excited and honored that [Gore] has chosen Apple as his first private sector board to serve on.”


But the NLPC says it is time for Gore to go.


“Al Gore was never qualified to serve on Apple’s board in the first place, so for him to last for over 20 years is absurd,” NLPC’s Corporate Integrity Project Director Paul Chesser told FOX Business. “The only credentials he had, or has ever had, that meet any of Apple’s questionable criteria was that he’s been a Chicken Little for global warming. That term was so discredited that it’s now called ‘climate change.’ And so many of his other prophecies of doom have been proven untrue that he should be considered a false prophet.”

Read the full article at FoxBusiness.com.

The story was prompted by two filings that NLPC made at the Securities and Exchange Commission that argue the cases for opposing both Gore and Cook for the company board.

NLPC also is sponsoring a shareholder proposal for the March 10 annual meeting that requests a “China Audit” of Apple’s risks and operations in the Communist nation. A filing in support of the proposal was also posted at the SEC website earlier this month.



Tags: Al Gore, Apple, climate change, shareholder activism, The Directors' Project, Tim Cook